Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nothing on my needles!

I finished Dave's scarf! I messed up the last row, kind of dropping a stitch (not as simple as that, but the same result), and I'm not very good at binding off. Another thing--how do you make a scarf without it curving into itself? This scarf would make a very nice sweater sleeve. I read the yarn label, and it said no ironing--that's what blocking is, right? Does that mean no blocking? Well, Dave likes it. I'll post a picture of him modelling it later tonight.

Using Katrina's shorthand translation, I'm going to try a pattern for a tea cozy. It's going to be yellow and blue and will require working with two colours at once. Eek! I may need some help along the way!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I have a question: is acrylic yarn really so bad? I was at our glamorous Walmart today, and that's all they have (and cotton). I've been warned against using acrylic yarn--why should we stay away?

I guess I'll have to find a knitting shop (there's one in Des Moines I have yet to visit--another newer shop has closed its doors) to buy a wool blend.

Next project: I'm bound and determined to make something with various colours, so I'm going to start with a pot holder for which I have a pattern (three colours). A simpler project might actually be these newborn booties in the same book. One colour. It's also 1 star (in difficulty) vs. the 2 or 3 the book goes up to. I have a friend to whom these are designated. :)

Monday, February 5, 2007

What next?

I like Katrina's suggestions for projects beyond-the-scarf. I'm going to stay away from blankets for now, as it feels like forever just to knit a scarf. Dave's scarf is still progressing; it's longer and wider than mine though, so it's taking a while. (I'm also back into a symphony set, and if you think reading while you don't play is rude...I can't imagine picking up a knitting project.)

The problem is that I don't know how to do anything but the regular stitches. I know there are great books out there, but I don't really have plans to buy any of them any time soon. ("Hello, Jillian! It's your lecture-document calling!") I like knitting in my down time though, and I'd like to try a fair isle design. I have some very simple patterns (or so they say) in my how-to-knit book (including a tea cozy I'm interested in trying), but I don't know how to read a pattern. A tutorial may be in order.

For now, the scarf is all I have. *Grumble*