Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Working with colours

Things I'm not good at ("yet"):

1) Casting on
2) Binding off
3) Fixing mistakes
4) Working in loose ends

I started making a scarf for Dave today, and I'm working on adding a new skill. Dave's scarf will be dark olive green, and I thought I'd do the ends in blue--same weight/brand wool, different colour. I started with the blue. I thought the casting on went ok, but once I got a few rows down and started a row in green, I could see the cast-on row more clearly. It just doesn't look great. The weirdest thing is that both sides look like a purl side. How does that happen? Now that I'm on with the green, the knitting/purling is looking normal. It's just those first 5 rows. I actually don't mind the way it looks, but I doubt that I'll be able to replicate it on the other side of the scarf. So should I unravel the whole thing and start over, or ignore my mistakes and chalk it up to experience? Just in case the recommendation is to unravel, I haven't detached the first colour yet.

Ideas? Suggestions?

1) "Knit" side--notice the blue that looks like the purl side.

2) Knit side close-up

3) Purl side--both colours look like purl

4) Purl side close-up


Jillian Camwell said...

That would be true if I'd written, "knitting and playing the oboe"...but alas, a knitting oboist, however busy she might be, is grammatically correct. ;)

Jillian Camwell said...

Hi Emily--sorry--I didn't see this comment until today! Thank you! I will try that to finish the scarf. (Except...CO x sts--what does that mean?) I'm really so new at this. I'd also like to know how to do a border--do you mean all the way around, or just on the two ends?

Making reeds is so much easier.

;) Thanks again for the comment!